Analytics Dataset Assignment


Research question

  • What are the three most evident conclusions that we can reach by looking at the data?


Acquisition Source


Organic Search, the channel that brings the least amount of sessions, is responsible for bringing in users that spend the most amount of time. This may be due to the fact that these users were actively searching for some ‘precious’ information that they found on this specific website.


This highlights that it’s important to focus on improving the Organic Search results. In other words, the team should focus on implementing SEO techniques. There’s a huge potential for engagement, since we already know that these users coming from search engines spend more time on the website than all the other kinds of source.



The single most relevant demographic visiting this website is people over 55.


The design decisions must take in account the visual and cognitive capabilities of an aged user base.

Compatibility tests


The overwhelming majority of the users make use Apple devices to access this website. When it comes to browsers, both Safari and Chrome are the top two most used.


Tests must consider that iPad and iPhones (running both Safari and Chrome) are used by most of the visitors.


Reviewing the data was an interesting experience. The first thing that I noticed is that I couldn’t find anything useful in most of the sheets. The most useful sheets were those in which extremes cases were displayed.

In other words, the sheets that included data showing obvious/extreme disparities were the ones that helped me draw conclusions right away, without the need of any lengthy analysis by comparing subtle details.

I would like to know more about the kind of company that is behind this website. No information about the business model has been provided. It’s hard to make sense of the data when you have absolutely no information about what kind of products or services are being offered.